"The white fathers told us, "I think, therefore, I am" and the black mother within each of us – the poet – whispers in our dreams, I feel, therefore I can be free."- Audre Lorde

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

a monday afternoon

yesterday was a virile day :
* i borrowed 9 books from the library about gender and sexual subversion and grinned shamelessly all the way home
* i sat cross-legged beside the garden admiring said books for close to 40 minutes, and did "e-nee-me-ne-miney-mo" at least a dozen times inorder to figure out which one to start with....
* Optimus Prime, Bunny-of-Doom had her first bath
* i laid blissfully in the grass for several hours devouring "Read My Lips: sexual subversion and the end of gender" by rikki anne wilchins *i watchedandrew tinker in the carrots and every little while i nibbled on peas

* i not only witnessed the icecream-man in action for the first time in my whole life, buuut i met him too.
*i made lime green Shepard's pie for people i love

yes- it was a virile day indeed.


  1. I don't think I ever ever heard a bunny name as good as that one!!

  2. I think it was a viral day.


snail coitus makes me smile